Support Aramaic Bible Translation

Aramaic Bible Translation is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, funded by individuals, churches and organizations who share the vision of providing God's Word for Aramaic speakers in their heart languages as spoken today. We invite you to make a donation in any amount to help keep the work moving forward to completion.
To make a donation click the Donate button below or you can mail gifts to
Aramaic Bible Translation
PO Box 543
Winfield, IL 60190
To make a donation click the Donate button below or you can mail gifts to
Aramaic Bible Translation
PO Box 543
Winfield, IL 60190
All funds given go into the general fund unless designated for a particular project. If you wish to designate your gift, please use the contact form below and state which of the projects you wish to support: Assyrian Project, Chaldean Project, Suryoyo Project, Mardini Project, Ma'luli Project or Technical Services Project. Thank you!